Sr. Pastor Robert L. Green
Sr. Pastor Robert L. Green was born in Wilmington, North Carolina. He is the devoted husband of Vicky Green, the father of four (4) children (2 sons and 2 daughters), and a proud grandfather of five (5) grandchildren.
He is a graduate of Winston-Salem State University where he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree and graduated Cum Laude. Pastor Green received his Master's Degree in Theology and Ordination as a Minister of the Gospel at Gainesville Christian Seminary in Gainesville, FL, where he was called to preach the Word of God.
Pastor Green pastored the Light of Day Outreach Ministry in Orange Park, Florida where he was also the District President for District 1's 5 churches.
He and his wife, Vicky received the release from God to relocate to Virginia to assist in raising the grandchildren of their deceased son in 2019.
They both became members of Burning Bush Worship Center in the fall of 2019 and began working to support BBWC's ministries. Through Xodus 3 Community Development Corporation, he serves as the Executive Director of the Metamorphosis Re-entry Program, Campus Leader for Recovery Church, and host of an International Television Show segment "The Bush Is On Fire". He is currently teaching Bible Study weekly and rotating as Sunday School teacher. Most recently, through the Grace of God, Pastor Green was recommended for and has humbly received elevation to the office of Sr. Pastor of Burning Bush Worship Center.